Thursday, April 10, 2003

For the record, I haven't said much about the war in Iraq for two reasons:

First, I don't get much TV, and my life is consumed with work and housework and rare glimpses of my family, so TV takes a distant spot in my priorities. I am therefore sort of disconnected from the world right now.

Second, grateful as I am that we've won, and that the Iraqis won't face miserable levels of torture, oppression, and starvation (and admittedly, that a lot of Democrats, paleocons, and lefties are gonna have to start eating crow now if they want to be done by the time of the 2004 elections), I cannot hope to say anything quite as eloquent as this.

Or this.

Or this. Or this. Or this. Or this. Or this.

Or this.

Or this.

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